Thursday, February 24, 2011

Features of Google Chrome 11.

Google Chrome is the one of the best internet browsers on the market. The Beta version of Google chrome was released in Sept 2008 and the finished product released on Dec 2008.

The new Chrome build, version 11, includes hardware-accelerated video. Google says that it may cut CPU usage by as much as 80% when running full-screen. Chrome 11 includes dramatic improvement in JavaScript speed and new password sync features.

This article will show you top 10 features of Google chrome which is why You should start using it.

Features of Chrome 11

  1. This release also includes a preliminary implementation of GPU-accelerated video. A graphics processing unit or GPU is a specialized microprocessor that offloads and accelerates graphics rendering from the microprocessor.

    Users with capable graphics hardware should see a significant decrease in CPU usage. That means, in full screen mode, CPU usage can decrease by as much as 80 percent. All that translates into substantial improvement in battery life.

  2. Regarding a password, the new feature allows the user to save password along with bookmarks, extensions, apps, and themes in Google Account so that they are available no matter what computer one is using. In essence, one can synchronize saved passwords across multiple computers to enjoy the same web experience everywhere, said Google.
  3. This also includes a search box, so if you’re not sure where to find a particular option, just enter a related keyword, like “language”, and Chrome will display anything related: font customizations, language and spell-checker settings, the Translate option, and more.
  4. Pop up are shown in its own tab. If you are getting a useful pop up and not AD, you can drag it out to see in its own windows.
  5. Auto Complete – It search history and browsed pages and show suggestion as you type. Which can be used to auto complete your URL if you to a history page.
  6. It shows 9 most viewed website as thumbnail whenever you open a new tab, So you can go to them by simply clicking one button. Also you can remove any of the thumbnail, it will replaced by next most accessed website Thumbnail.
  7. You can use it to keep your history and Cookies cleaned as soon as you end the Google Chrome Window so that threre will be privacy.
  8. It shows download in same windows from where you initiated it and you can see them in separate tab if you wish. Therefore downloading is made more easy.
  9. Google chrome 11 includes task Manager – It is much like Windows Task Manager, only difference is it reports about your Browser.
  10. Sandboxing – Now you can browse without Malware and Phishing, It does not allow Phishing or Malware site to load as soon as you type the URL.

With all these features, Google chrome is going to be the best browser. Google has improved their browser a lot from version 1.0 to current version and now it’s worth using it. Moreover it is open source so you can customize it if you wish.