Thursday, February 24, 2011

Change AOL Messenger Password.

AOL first popularized instant messaging and, with its large membership, is likely to be the most popular service for some time to come. AOL's Instant Messenger can be used by AOL members but there is no requirement to be connected to the Internet through AOL.

With most Internet-based applications, security can become compromised, so it's important to change your password regularly.

  1. Sign in to AIM.
  2. Click on  Edit>Settings in the AIM program window.
  3. Go to Sign In/Sign Out tab on the left-hand menu.
  4. Go to "Change My Password." A new browser window will open up that takes you to an AOL sign-in page.
  5. You will see the account security question you chose when you set up your account. This may be something like, "Who is your first teacher?" Enter the answer to your security question. You will be taken to your "My Account" screen.
  6. Click on "Password" tab on the left-hand side of the "My Account" screen and enter your old password in the blank space, after that your new password. You will be taken to a confirmation screen.

Your password would be changed.