Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How to Open Recently Closed Tabs in Internet Explorer 9

This article will show you how to open recently closed tabs again in Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) in Windows 7 and Vista.

Here's How:

1. While in Internet Explorer 9, right click on a open tab, and select Recently closed tabs. (see screenshot below)

2. To Open a Specific Recently Closed Tab

A) Click on the link of a recently closed tab that you want to open in a new tab again. (see screenshot above)

3. To Open All Recently Closed Tabs

A) Click on the Open all closed tabs option. (see screenshot above)

This will open all of the listed links for recently closed tabs above this option in new tabs.

This article can also be used on Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP(IE7,IE 8)